*** This website under construction --- Bookmark us and come back soon! Like and share us on social media. Contact us if you want to know more before the site is complete! *** There will be an individual COOP website to link to in the near-ish future as well... baby steps. We appreciate your patience. ***
A homeschooling cooperative is made up of several families who meet regularly at libraries, churches, community centers, or homes, and work together toward similar goals, which can be based on socialization, education, activities, or any combination of these. Our goals are to offer all of these!
Grace Academy Coop is specifically for high school homeschool students and their families.
There are no monthly dues/membership fees at this time. However, there is an application and commitment form. Signing up for this coop means that you will make sure that you're an active participant! The Grace Academy students can be a member of another coops as well.
Grace Academy is BRAND NEW and looking to expand so like us and share us.
Let's break it down:
Education: GA plans to network in the community and with parents to partner with licensed teachers who left teaching but still like to teach, professors, degreed professionals, and skilled vocational persons who are all experts in certain fields and willing to lead or facilitate classes. As we learn of classes, courses, tutors, etc. that can be of service to homeschooled high schoolers in the area - we will share their information with everyone.
We ask that parents share their lesson plans and curriculum with the director and other parents at our PTO meetings/scheduled talk sessions. This is so everyone can coordinate together and then inform any ideas to the group. For example, if you're all reading the same book for ELA then you can arrange a meetup for the students weekly to discuss the book together. Or if you decided to take a hybrid Geometry class in the area, we can let the rest of the students & families know so they can look into taking the same class with their Grace Academy classmates. If multiple people are doing Gvt & Civics this year then, we can plan a group field trip to the capitol. You get the idea, right?
Socialization: GA plans to share all the clubs, camps, and opportunities that other GA students are doing so that other parents and students and discuss if they'd like to be in that club w/fellow GA students too. Part of the inspiration for forming a coop was my daughter's biggest gripe, which was that public school offered her consistent interactions with the same students. She has lots and lots of social activities but they are different students in each group. She liked knowing all the kids in school. Here at GA, we want to provide those high school connections to build friendships and community.
I am excited to announce that one of ways we are going to deepen and truly provide a high school season of friendship is through our homeschool Greek Life Sorority and Fraternity. Go to the Greek Life link to learn more!
It is our goal to host Walking for Graduation, Award Ceremonies, Prom, Field Trips, Volunteer Events, Meetups, Leadership Positions, Etc.
Keep a look out for an in-person informational meeting being hosted soon!
Like our social media for updates.
Our Parent-Teacher Organization is more like Mom's Club! We plan, we teach, we drive, we wear all the hats and run-run-run with our hormonal teens who are with us all the time. Just as important as friend-time and me-time for the kiddo, is that time for the parents too. Meet up with the fellow teen parents for coffee, dinner, a movie, game night, yoga, salt cave, etc. and talk about the organization and the coop together while also carving out that much needed "me-time away from the house".
We are a "Teacher Parent Organization" not the "National Parent-Teacher Organization".